“Electrical brain stimulation” is a method for treating “depressed” patients

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Electrical brain stimulation” is a method for treating “depressed” patients who are resistant to treatment.

Depression is a silent danger that destroys identity. Taking away happiness and smiles from patients and families Patients who have faced disease and received treatment for a long time. They may experience drug resistance and become refractory to treatment. TMS treatment is another option. that can return happiness, time, and smiles to patients

Dr. Phakin Kaewphichit, psychiatrist. Chitrak Center Bangkok Hospital said that patients with depression Who have had symptoms and have treat for a long time have not recovered. or does not respond to treatment including being unable to tolerate the side effects of medication Brain stimulation therapy using. The principle of electromagnetic waves or Electrical brain stimulation Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is another option that makes patients’ symptoms improve. TMS treatment is brain stimulation using the principles of electromagnetic waves. It is a new psychiatric treatment that has accepted by the United States Food and Drug Administration as being able to treat treatment-resistant depression (Treatment – Resistant Depression) since 2010. . 2008. After that it was used more widely in foreign countries. And has accepte to help treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and help reduce cravings for cigarettes for those who want to stop smoking (Smoking Session).

Most people with depression treate with antidepressants. (Antidepressants) combined with effective psychotherapy (Psychotherapy), but a number of patients suffer from depression. Even though the medication has been adjusted. Do psychotherapy continuously. This group of patients is considered to have treatment-resistant depression. TMS plays a huge role in treating this group of patients. In addition to improving symptoms of depression in patients. It is also report to ยูฟ่าเบท help reduce anxiety. Increase motivation Helps reduce thoughts of wanting to die. And increases memory, which has a positive effect on the patient’s potential in studying and working, as well as strengthening relationships, helping depressed patients return to living a normal life with value and happiness.

With TMS treatment, patients receive stimulation for approximately 30 minutes at a time, 5 days a week for 4 – 6 weeks. Before receiving treatment, the doctor will evaluate in detail the diagnosis, co-morbidities, and past treatments. Precautions or contraindications for treatment It is essential to determine the location of stimulation on the head for each patient. Your doctor may need to adjust the stimulation settings to optimize treatment and reduce side effects. The doctor will explain the various steps. and continuously evaluate periodically throughout treatment

TMS treatment has side effects on various systems. 

Very little in the body compared to taking medicine. The patient may feel slight pain in the area of ​​the scalp that has stimulate or a headache. In most cases, patients’ symptoms relieved by taking painkillers. and side effects tend to decrease gradually. This allows patients to continue receiving treatment without bother by side effects.

The most serious side effect. That has is seizures, which is very rare. However, for safety reasons, before treatment, doctors will assess the risk of seizures in every patient. In cases where there is risk, it is considered a contraindication to this treatment.

TMS is different from electroconvulsive therapy (ECT; Electroconvulsive Therapy), although both are brain stimulation treatments. But TMS treatment does not cause any side effects of memory impairment. It also helps promote memory. No anesthesia And there is no need to stay in the hospital.

While receiving TMS treatment, patients and their families will receive mental health promotion through psychotherapy. and a variety of therapy activities within the Chitrak Center Comprehensive rehabilitation of the patient’s mental state A close team of experts will help patients and their families understand depression and ultimately lead to recovery.