How does not getting enough sleep affect your health?

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People who don’t get enough sleep or get enough rest will suffer from various health conditions and disadvantages as follows:

Affects the thought process.

Sleep plays an important role in thinking and learning. If the body gets little rest, it may affect the thinking process. It will make you alert. ability to reason. Problem solving skills and concentration in doing various things decreases, resulting in an inability to learn effectively UFABET  

Leads to many health problems. 

People who get experience chronic sleep problems. Risk of various diseases, including heart attack,  cardiovascular disease  , heart failure, and arrhythmia. high blood pressure Stroke and diabetes. Because the immune system produces Cytokines, cells and antibodies against germs while sleeping. These chemicals fight bacteria and viruses. Including helping to sleep. As a result, the immune system protects the body from various illnesses. If you don’t get , the immune system will not be able to produce chemicals that help protect against germs.

Decreased sexual desire.

Results in decreased sex drive and interest in intercourse. Men who suffer from sleep apnea have decreased testosterone. This results in a decrease in sex drive.

Causing depression.

 People who get little sleep or have health problems related to sleep. Depression can occur. Insomnia , which is the most common sleep-related health problem and is a symptom clearly related to depression. This is because insomnia is one of the first symptoms found in depression.