There is generally no need to treat sleepwalking. Especially sleepwalking that occurs in childhood can disappear by itself when one grows into adolescence. Basically, sleepwalking can be taken care of, that is, if the sleepwalker gets out of bed, gently bring him back to sleep on the bed without needing to wake him up, etc. In addition, sleepwalking can be prevented and prepared body as follows.
- Get enough sleep. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. UFABET
- Try to relax yourself before bed, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or breathing deeply.
- Avoid stimulants before bed. Whether it is audio or visual media.
- Change the atmosphere in the bedroom so that it is dark enough for sleep. or eliminate various noises
- Avoid caffeine-containing drinks close to bedtime and go to the bathroom before bed.

Preventing dangers or accidents that may occur to those who sleepwalk.
- Manage the surrounding environment to be safe, such as keeping sharp objects or other dangerous items.
- Clear away items in the house that are easily breakable or that may pose a danger to the sleepwalker.
- Lock doors and windows before going to bed.
- Do not allow sleepwalking children to sleep on the top bunk bed.
- In the case of sleepwalking at the same time every night You should wake the sleepwalker up and walk at that time for about 15 minutes, then keep him awake for another 5 minutes and then slowly put him to sleep again.
- Inform to Pee Liang Dek or those involved know that their child is sleepwalking in order to help each other monitor and take care
Medical treatment
- Treat the disease that causes It is often a disease that disturbs sleep. which causes sleepwalking, such as acid reflux and sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome
- Some medicines can cause sleepwalking. Therefore, you should consult your doctor about whether or not you can switch to other medications instead.